SvN Speaks (Ep.2): How to accelerate and incentivize low-carbon building design

SvN Speaks (Ep.2): How to accelerate and incentivize low-carbon building design
As the former Manager of the Sustainability Group and Green Infrastructure for the City of Vancouver, Melina has been at the forefront of advancing many of Vancouver's climate protection programs, including green infrastructure and green building programs.
Melina will provide insights and practical information about how Vancouver made leading strides in accelerating low-carbon building designs ahead of most Canadian cities over the last ten years. She will discuss how her organization (ZEIC) works with local governments and industry to accelerate climate action in the Vancouver region's green building sector. She will also share insights on a progressive new policy recently approved by Vancouver City Council that will impose carbon limits on existing buildings, a powerful stimulant to building retrofit work in the city and beyond.
Click here for the full interview.